20 July 2009


Can’t be pretending all the time
That it’s right
If it’s pretending
Then it’s time to go
Need to stop before this velocity
Hits no

You conquer just a little bit
But are escorted out again;
You’re starving for pain.
The momentum is growing
And I’m breathing
Why can’t the music just
Speak for itself?

I’ll let my heart
Speak for itself
Its only harvest
On the other side of today
Thinking it might make a difference
If the song just sees itself
For awhile

Go on
Mean something to yourself
We’re hinging
Our hearts keep twisting
They change but they never untie

Will you find anything alive?
It’s a comedy with chance
Out here in this blue canyon echo
Ripe with stars fruits and hollies

My ego perks up and
It is…
It is all alive,
Everything here.
But it turns on its side now-
You know now what you were saying
From behind your leather jacket
You know what your leather says,

‘I cannot be touched here.’