09 September 2005

labor day weekend recap

So I stayed in town for the holiday weekend. Lots of tourists, but what are you gonna do - (in case you can't tell this woman's "edgy" skirt reads, "Democracy is not a spectator sport.")

Let's see, what did I do. Oh, party. Hangover. Party. Hangover. And some random goings on, like this drag show.

Also, I'm not sure how, but there ended up being an all-night marathon of Settlers of the Stone Age. This game fucking rules. It's a big commitment, it takes a long time to play. But clearly one of the greatest games ever.

One thing that kept us going was this nipple cup.

And so it is with fond memories of ceramic nipples and false eyelashes and bad fashion choices that I leave for what promises to be a very fun trip indeed. Over a year after her death, we will be burying my grandmother's ashes. For this occasion I will be seeing many relatives I haven't seen in a long time, including my mom's three brothers from Coeur d'Alene, Salt Lake City, and Minneapolis. They're all interesting for very different reasons. And seeing as I'm not on speaking terms with my dad, things should be very interesting. Yes. Wish me luck and I'll be back next week.