I'll tell you what I don't like. I don't like praying mantises who think they can just waltz into my bathroom. (Of course this is an expression; however I think that could be a very riveting addition to Fantasia 3: The Waltzing Mantises.)
I don't like it when people use the word "ultimately" in the last sentence of any essay or article.
I really really don't like any kind of music that specifically states it is for adults in its title. Adult jazz, adult alternative. Shiver.
I really do like, though, that the British use the phrase "push chair" instead of "stroller."
I don't like, however, celebrities who think they sound cool and in interviews they all, all, use meaningless quotes in place of adjectives or direct objects...
"Well you know it sort of becomes this thing of, 'How do I do this?' And I start getting really unsure of myself and how people are going to perceive it and it becomes very 'What is going on here.' Do you know what I mean?"
I'm sure, Mr. Fancy Actor Man, I would know exactly what you meant if you actually said something.
People just don't get that good language is important and stuff and blah blee blah.