04 August 2004

more corporate welfare

As we know, or should know, numerous lawsuits are currently filed against Wal-Mart for shoddy employee treatment, both general and specifically toward women; also by groups trying to stunt this monster's cancerous spread across our great nation.

Now, a new gem.

Wal-Mart employees received $86 million in 2001 in public assistance IN CALIFORNIA ALONE. Because they get paid s-h-i-t. In fact, they get paid about 30% less than employees at other, similar retailers. This from a new report by the UC Berkeley Labor Center.

Cause Cali doesn't have enough financial problems.

Remember when the grocery worker unions went on strike in SoCal last year? Why do we think the grocery chains were so hard to deal with? Hmm.... you guessed it. It was, in part, because they have to compete with Wal-Mart. This parasite has already ravaged the South... now it's coming and ruining what little individuality and beauty remains in retail markets all over the country.

Well, all the other big companies do it, don't they? Push as much of their expenses as they can onto the public?

Time for Wal-Mart to pee with the big boys...