13 October 2005


Imagine this face looking up at you and exclaiming with all the emphasis it can muster: "Huggie Auntie Huggie Auntie Huggie Auntie Huggie Auntie?"


This is what my niece says when she wants you to pick her up. And when she wants you to follow her somewhere, well, no words are needed. She uses her whole hand to grab your pinky and she pulls you in whichever direction you need to be moving. It's very simple, and very effective.

Sometimes, out of nowhere, she says, "Sick, dude." She apparently picked this up from her father, who says this when he changes her diaper. I was able to teach her how to say a lot of other new things too. She retains everything.

Alas, I let her have the finger puppets to take home. She needed them more than I did. Plus they were having a lot more fun with her anyway. They went night-night and they woke up and they went to parties and went night-night again, all in about five minutes. I couldn't deny the finger puppets that kind of life.

In summary, Jenna is an incredibly cute and smart and special girl. She tugs at my heartstrings and wraps me around her finger and all of the other cliches. Jenna really likes life, and vegetables, and her blankie. Also, her birthday is on Halloween and that rules. Jenna is a girl with a great life ahead of her.