You may know that The Carter Center monitors elections all over the world. What you many not know is that if the United States were a foreign country asking to become affiliated with the Center, it would have to reject us because we don't meet the minimum requirements for fair elections.
What you may also not know is that Jimmy Carter is an evangelical Christian. Wha???? Yes. He is. And he was then too. Did he ever talk about it? Rarely. Did he use it for political gain? No. Why? Because Jimmy Carter comes from old school baptist stock, and they believe that church and government should be separate. Kinda like that thing, the Consti... gee it's hard to remember the name of it but you know what I'm talking about. Their thought was, government doesn't interfere with what they do, and they as a religious group don't interfere with the government. Yep. Uh-huh.