28 September 2004

the presidential debate drinking game

Now you can actually enjoy the series of presidential debates, starting tonight.

When either Kerry or Bush say any of the following, guess what, you get to get a little more schnockered.

"Make no mistake" -drink one shot

"Iraq" -drink of beer

"Hence" -only Kerry will say this since Georgie doesn't know what it means. Have a drink of beer

"Weapons of mass distruction" -drink of beer (a small drink, you don't want to pass out too early)

"Irresponsible" -drink one shot

"The American people" -drink of beer

"Well, I'll tell you..." -total stalling mechanism. You should have time for two good chugs of beer

"When I'm president" -drink one shot. Dear god, is one of these clowns going to be our president?

"Now is the time" -drink of beer

"Manufacturing jobs" -drink of beer

"Hard-working families" -drink of beer

"Our great nation" -drink of beer

and finally...

"I'm not going to stoop to that level" -take two shots and go to bed. Politics are tiring!