14 July 2004

this incredible nonsense

Well thank goodness the Senate was 12 votes short of what was needed to push along the anti-marriage Amendment. Yes, this isn't the last we've seen of this ugly monster, but it seems pretty clear that the people won't stand for such nonsense.

As quoted by the AP, Sen. Rick Santorum says, "Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?" Ha. Hee-eee. I would be angry if I weren't laughing so hard. This guy has got to be smoking some serious crack.

Nothing like shifting the focus, and other-ing a group that has done nothing but make this country better. I don't see groups of gay people starting wars and sweatshops and nuclear weapons programs.

It should be against the fucking law to try and use the Constitution to take away someone else's basic rights.


Meanwhile, gay people everywhere are forming beautiful partnerships and getting married and having babies and adopting children who desperately need good homes and building good families and are perhaps doing an even better job than a lot of straight people because they've had to fight for it...